Longtime outdoor gear company changes name to "SJK Tactical Hunting," sets sights on hunting market with cutting edge gear
After 57 years of manufacturing sleeping bags, tents, and various other camp essentials, Slumberjack is reinventing itself as SJK Tactical Hunting, offering a new for 2014 line of hunt-specific packs and tree stand bags.SJK Tactical Hunting Gear’s new for fall 2014 line appeals to an emerging market of tactical hunters, introducing cutting edge features and functionality into every product. Lightweight materials, durable construction, cutting edge Kryptek® camouflage, and an extensive amount of input from our professional hunting guide partners at Outback Outdoors, combine to create some of the most advanced equipment available.
“The hunting community is rapidly evolving, moving towards a more tactical approach to their outdoor experience, and we are leaders in this trend, addressing the needs of the emerging market with cutting edge equipment,” said Russell Rowell, Vice President of SJK Tactical Hunting Gear. “Our shift from Slumberjack to SJK Tactical Hunting meets the needs of the new tactical hunting customer with products that feature materials and technology designed specifically for the modern hunter.”

About SJK Tactical Hunting Gear:
SJK Tactical Hunting Gear represents the evolution of the tried and true Slumberjack camping brand, offering hunters and outdoor enthusiasts a new approach to hunting and overnighting in the outdoors. SJK Tactical Hunting Gear offers a complete line of hunting-specific backpacks and tree stand bags to maximize success on any hunt. For anyone interested in a fun and accessible camping experience, SJK will continue to provide roomy tents, comfortable sleeping bags, and go-anywhere furniture. From tactical hunters to campers, SJK has the gear needed to get the most out of any wilderness experience. For media information on SJK, please contact scott.kaier@americanrec.com
RMB NOTE: I got to check out some of SJK's new gear earlier this year at SHOT Show 2014, including their new line of hunting packs and Thermal Cloak Treestand Bag. SJK sent us out test samples of their new Thermal Cloak and Snare 2000 Pack, and I was very impressed. Although they are designed for hunters, their features and rugged construction make them excellent candidates for bushcrafting.
(click to enlarge)
Thermal Cloak Treestand Bag:

Thermal Treestand Cloak inside stuffsack:
From what I've seen in field testing so far, the SJK gear appears to be of excellent quality. Check out our Facebook post showing initial field testing of the Thermal Cloak in bitter -20F weather. It performed brilliantly. Expect to see a field review of both products as Fall approaches.
It's always sad to see a company with such a long history go away, but it's exciting to see SlumberJack reinvent itself with a new direction and cool new products.
Cheers, Jason
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