
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Quick Update- Flood disaster in Rocky Mountain Bushcraft's hometown, etc

As some of you may have noticed, posting has slowed down considerably over the past several weeks. This is because Rocky Mountain Bushcraft's hometown of Estes Park was caught in the middle of the Colorado Flood disaster. As you can imagine, it has been a slow road to recovery.

(A creek flows through the middle of a mountain resident's yard where there once was none)

In spite of all of my preparations for an event like this, I was taken aback by the scale of it. Everyone I know was affected in some way, either physically or emotionally. Life is beginning to return to normal to some extent, but as you can imagine, it's taken time to regroup and start writing again.

I look forward to getting back in the swing of things, so look for a bunch of new posts/articles/reviews in the coming days and weeks, and please stop by the Rocky Mountain Bushcraft Facebook page and hit us up with a "Like", as we will be posting a lot of extra material there.



PS- During this period, several readers wrote us to ask if we were ok-- thank you--we really appreciated hearing from you!

PSS- This is footage of the flood destruction in the mountain town of Glen Haven. The mountains that surround Glen Haven are where we do some of our axe testing:

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