
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hultafors\Hults Bruks Classic Double Bit Axe

Thought I would start the morning off with a little bit of "axe porn." Hultafors' Classic Double Bit Axe made by Hults Bruks of Sweden. Enjoy!
(click to enlarge)
Photos by Jason Schwartz/Rocky Mountain Bushcraft ©2013


  1. I see what you're saying regarding the eye. No, it's just the photo angles. This axe is actually their throwing axe, but I thought it would be fun to see how it performed. Definitely a mean chopper!

  2. Throwing seems to be gaining in popularity and looks like a lot of fun. I wish they had some throwing contests in my neck of the woods because I would participate.
    Did Hults whatever they are called ever start sellng  axes in USA?
    Other than rebadged lower quality Husqvarna'sYou slayed that log what looks like very few
