
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Velvicut Hudson Bay Axe- Quick Update

I received several inquiries asking me to thin the edge of this axe and then test performance. Today I spent 5 minutes thinning the edge on a small belt sander, nothing radical, but similar to what somebody would be able to do with a file in about 10-15 mins. 

After getting the edge razor sharp, I took it outside into the wild kingdom that I call my yard (we have herds of Elk and Mule Deer that hang out here frequently) and gave it a try. Sorry no pics yet (promise to have some up soon), but the axe performed noticeably better in both chopping and wood shaping\feathering. In fact, my neighbors were quite amused by seeing the huge chips flying from this little axe smacking the wood. 

Cheers, CW

January 21st, 2012 Update:

As promised, here are some new chopping test photos after the edge was thinned on the Velvicut Hudson Bay. A slight improvement to be sure, but nothing dramatic without additional edge work. However, the axe feels much better in use from this small improvement. Chopping feels easier and more precise, and creating feather sticks is noticeably easier. With some additional edge work I think it would improve performance even more noticeably.

New profile of Velvicut after thinning the edge slightly:

New chopping comparison between the Velvicut and Wetterlings LHA. Nothing radical, but definitely a slight improvement (30 chops with each axe):


  1. Cool, cant wait for the pics. Found you on BF and now subscribbed on your blog.

    1. Cosmo, thanks for joining and yes, I will have pics up soon!

      Cheers, CW

  2. So is it technically a convex edge ... or a convex sabre edge ... or something different?

    1. CRCO, yes, it's a classic convex "appleseed" edge.

      Cheers, CW

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey CW
    Thought I would revisit this to mention a couple things I discovered by reading the manual.

    First off the The Council tool version axe is fitted with an early style handle. Got me scratching my head on that one.
    The handle to me is very comfy and ergonomic. Have any additional info on what an early style handle is?

    Second interesting thing in the manual:
    How to care for your axe page.
    Tells you to use a file and how to sharpen.
    The kicker is it says to sharpen to 25 degrees. 25 degrees is where my copy is right now after two filing sessions a couple months apart and it is working great for me.
    Using a brass sharpening gauge to measure. I didn't go 2-3 inches back though only about a half inch.
    I must have just glossed over the little book and tossed it aside. Very useful info in there though. RTFM to me!
    I know your busy but if you find anything about the handle please pass it on.
