A couple of years ago, CRKT stopped production of the Doug Ritter RSK Mk5, a cool little "Fits into an Altoids Can" survival knife.
For 2021, Smoky Mountain Knife Works has managed to bring them back into production. According to Doug Ritter, the knives are still made in the same factory as the original CRKT versions using the same exact steel, so the quality is identical.
However, these knives now retail for HALF the price of the original CRKT versions, with a street price of just $11.99 at Smoky Mountain Knife Works as of this writing.
You are not going to find another purpose built, Altoids Can sized fixed blade knife like this for even close to price.
Ritter and his associates put a lot of work into developing this little knife for real world survival use back in the day, which can read about at this link- http://www.dougritter.com/rsk_mk5.htm
I've owned the CRKT version for many years and love it.
Aside from the fact that this knife is such a great accessory to your micro-survival kit, buying one also helps fund Doug's KnifeRights.org, which is on the front lines battling for your right to own and legally carry knives around the country.